Geico Rideshare Insurance: Cost, quote, discount and contact information

Geico Rideshare Insurance offers essential coverage for Uber, Lyft and other platform drivers.

If you’re operating a rideshare vehicle, your personal auto insurance falls short, leaving potential gaps in coverage that could make you financially responsible for accidents.

Geico Rideshare Insurance fills this void by providing specialized coverage throughout all phases of your rideshare activity, ensuring protection from the moment you activate your app until you complete your final passenger drop-off.

How much does Geico rideshare insurance cost?

Geico rideshare insurance is an affordable and convenient option for rideshare drivers. It is not a separate policy, but an add-on to your existing Geico personal auto policy.

This means that you only pay one premium, one deductible, and one bill for both your personal and rideshare coverage.

Geico rideshare insurance also covers you for personal use, so you do not need to switch between policies or apps.

The cost of Geico rideshare insurance depends on several factors, such as your age, driving record, vehicle, location, and mileage.

However, according to Geico, the average cost of adding rideshare coverage to your personal auto policy is about $15 to $20 per month.

This is much cheaper than buying a commercial auto policy, which can cost hundreds of dollars per month.

Is Geico rideshare insurance cheaper than other companies?

Geico rideshare insurance is one of the cheapest and most comprehensive options for rideshare drivers.

Compared to other companies that offer rideshare insurance, such as Progressive, Allstate, Farmers, and State Farm, Geico has some advantages, such as:

  • Covering all rideshare phases, unlike some companies that limit coverage to specific phases or require additional purchases.
  • Without restricting coverage based on trip or passenger numbers, in contrast to some companies that do.
  • Avoiding extra charges for driving on multiple platforms, which some companies impose.
  • Not mandating you to report rideshare activity, unlike some companies that make reporting a requirement.
An image illustration of GEICO Rideshire insurance
GEICO Rideshire insurance
Caption;FIXD App

How do I get a quote for Geico rideshare insurance?

Obtaining a Geico rideshare insurance quote is a quick and straightforward process. You can request a quote online, over the phone, or by visiting a local agent.

Basic information, including your name, address, phone number, email and vehicle details, is required.

Answering questions about your driving history, preferred rideshare platforms, and average weekly mileage is also part of the process.

Following this, you’ll receive a personalized quote that allows you to easily compare with other providers and policies, empowering you to make an informed decision.

Geico vs. Progressive rideshare insurance

An infographic of GEICO and Progressive rideshire insurance comparison
An infographic of GEICO and Progressive rideshare insurance comparison
  • Geico rideshare insurance extends your personal auto policy, whereas Progressive’s rideshare coverage is a separate policy.
  • Geico covers you throughout all rideshare phases; Progressive, however, only provides coverage during phases 1 and 3, leaving phase 2 reliant on Uber or Lyft insurance.
  • Rideshare insurance has no restrictions on trips or passengers, while Progressive limits coverage to 50 trips weekly and four passengers per trip.
  • Geico doesn’t charge extra for driving on multiple platforms, while Progressive imposes an additional $6 monthly for each platform, up to a maximum of $18 per month.

Discounts for experienced drivers

Geico rideshare insurance offers discounts for experienced drivers who have a clean driving record and a good credit score.

Some of the discounts you may qualify for are:

An table infographic of GEICO rideshare discounts
An table infographic of GEICO rideshare discounts
  • Safe driver discount: You can save up to 26% on your premium if you have no accidents or violations in the past five years.
  • Good student discount: You can save up to 15% on your premium if you are a full-time student with a B average or better.
  • Defensive driver discount: You can save up to 10% on your premium if you complete a defensive driving course approved by Geico.
  • Military discount: You can save up to 15% on your premium if you are an active duty, reserve, or retired member of the U.S. armed forces.
  • Federal employee discount: You can save up to 8% on your premium if you are a federal employee or a member of a federal group or organization.

How to qualify for rideshare insurance

  • You must have a valid driver’s license and a personal auto policy with Geico.
  • You must drive for a rideshare platform that is approved by Geico, such as Uber, Lyft, Via, or Getaround.
  • Drive a vehicle that is eligible for rideshare insurance, such as a four-door sedan, SUV, or minivan that is less than 15 years old and has a seating capacity of eight or less.
  • Drive for rideshare purposes only, and not for delivery, courier, or taxi services.

Requirements for rideshare insurance

Rideshare insurance is not mandatory in every state, but it is highly recommended for rideshare drivers.

Rideshare insurance protects you from the coverage gap that exists between your personal auto insurance and the rideshare company’s insurance.

Without rideshare insurance, you may face legal and financial risks in case of an accident.

The requirements for rideshare insurance vary by state, but generally, you need to have the minimum liability coverage required by your state, plus any additional coverage that you want or need, such as collision, comprehensive, medical payments, or uninsured/underinsured motorist.

You also need to inform your insurance company that you are driving for a rideshare platform, and pay the extra premium for rideshare coverage.

Deductible for rideshare accidents

A deductible is the initial amount you must personally cover before your insurance provider contributes to the remaining claim.

Geico’s rideshare insurance maintains a consistent deductible aligned with your personal auto policy, regardless of the rideshare phase.

This ensures you avoid the elevated deductibles imposed by Uber or Lyft during phases 2 and 3.

$500 deductible for collision covers both personal and rideshare driving under Geico rideshare insurance.

Without Geico, follow personal policy deductible in phase 1, Uber/Lyft’s in phases 2 or 3.

In phases 2 or 3, $500 personal policy deductible in phase 1, $1,000 Uber/Lyft deductible for collision claims.

Contact details

Contact Method Details
Phone Number Call 1-866-509-9444 for GEICO Rideshare insurance inquiries, quotes, policy changes, or purchases.
Address Locate the nearest GEICO office using the locator tool; no specific address for the Rideshare department.
Customer Service Contact GEICO’s Rideshare customer service at 1-800-207-7847 or via the online form provided on their site.
Policy Details Covers all driving periods for Uber, Lyft, and other services, including personal use. Available in 40 states and D.C.
Email Address Message GEICO Rideshare insurance using the online form; no specific email address provided.
Fax Number Fax documents using the number on your policy declarations page or follow instructions on the designated page.
Operating Hours GEICO’s Rideshare insurance operates 24/7/365; call anytime for quotes, policy management, or inquiries.


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